The site
is designed to link historical information to the present-day problem of
smuggling. It is intended to provide access to archival material which
can be used to stimulate both interest in and ask questions about the
issues which smuggling poses in the past and today. The material is
designed to be used by teachers within class situations which they
manage. It is not designed to provide detailed lesson plans but is
intended as a resource that can be drawn from to suit individual needs.
It has the following structure, comprising five sections:
Section 1. Introduction to the site's aims and objectives and how it can be used.
Section 2. Smuggling Resources outlines the types of material which are available and provides links to it.
Section 3. Exemplars from the DCDA of smuggling archival material and how it might be used.
Section 4. Sample Learning Activities for National Curriculum KS3
a) Citizenship b) History c) Geography
These highlight possibilities for cross-curricular work
Section 5. Sample Learning Activities for National Curriculum KS4 Citizenship
Links are given to additional material, other sites and source materials for Learning Activities.
A set of key questions are used to provide a
structure with specific questions highlighted before the Section which
addresses them.These may provide guidance for PLENARY sessions or the framework for a series of lessons
Where original documents are provided, a transcript
is also provided. This will usually be in a link alongside the original
text. You may print any of the material for educational purposes,
provided that the DCDA is acknowledged as the source.
If you have come directly to this part of the DCDA site, you may find it helpful to visit the Introduction to the Learning Packages.
Section 1 - Introduction
Smuggling is a major present-day
social, moral and legal issue, involving amongst other things the
smuggling of people and drugs. Smuggling in some form has existed in
Britain since the 14th century and was often a very important part of
local economies. Poetry, novels, myths and legends surround it. It has
often involved all levels of society in illegal activities and
corruption. This raises very important questions about
our attitudes to smuggling in the past,
how smuggling and smugglers are often romanticised
how smuggling has changed
the moral and legal dilemmas that smuggling poses
the reasons for smuggling and its control today.
As a starter activity, students might be asked to consider the headlines below.
Box 1.1
Ringleader of one of Europe 's biggest people-smuggling operations jailed for eight and a half years. Scotland Yard's biggest investigation into human smuggling.
(News item 4th October 2006)
“Last week one of the Greyhound revenue cutter's boats seized and brought into this port 224 casks of foreign spirits”
(Extract from a letter from Weymouth ,
Jan 12 printed in The Dorchester & Sherborne Journal (and Taunton
& Somerset Herald) 18th January 1799
Harriet Tubman, a former slave, was a “courageous woman who is remembered for her actions” in smuggling slaves.
( National Curriculum History)
TV hospital drama series “ Holby City ” includes incident based on people smuggling
(BBC1 TV 18 th November 2006)
Police in the Indian
state of Bihar have set up a special force because thousands of Buddhist
relics are being smuggled out of the state
(Reuters November 2006)
“While superintending the church music (from 1801 onward to about 1805) my grandfather used to do a little smuggling”
(Extract from Thomas Hardy's notebooks)
Box 1.2
The following
questions provide a framework for learning activities and are repeated
later on with highlighting to identify which questions are being
addressed. By the end of the starter activity in BOX 1.2, students might have produced the following list or a similar one
Box 1.3
What is smuggling?
Who smuggles?
What do they smuggle?
Why smuggle?
Who controls smuggling?
What happens if you are caught?
Have attitudes to smuggling changed?
Are the issues the same today as in the past?
Box 1.4
What the resource does
This resource explores ways in which the Dorset Coast
Digital Archive (DCDA) can be used to investigate an important
present-day social and legal issue, SMUGGLING , through
investigating smuggling in the past and how smuggling is dealt with
today. There are many small local museums around the British coast which
include smuggling material and identify individual smugglers. There are
also a number of national websites that describe smuggling, including
H.M. Customs and Excise
This Learning Package provides access to the archival
materials and through them stimulates exploration and discussion around
the contemporary record, reporting and debate about smuggling. Past and
present events have many similarities in the conflicts, dilemmas and
effects that are reported. Past events provide a stimulus for further
investigation of how attitudes have since changed or remain the same.
For example, when do we see smugglers as ‘good' or ‘bad'? Archival
materials provide descriptions of historical activities and prompt
further exploration of these activities both today and in the past.
Museums and archives help us understand the present.

The Smugglers Inn,
Osmington, is said to date back to the 13th century and to have been
used by a notorious smuggler known as French Peter or Pierre Latour.
National Curriculum and Objectives
The Learning Package supports many areas of the
National Curriculum, but particularly Citizenship, Geography and
History. There are
• direct digital links to images
• cross-references to learning objectives
• information about the images and
• references to other source material, available through partnership links.
These resources are designed to lead pupils through
an enquiry-based learning process, whereby evidence is presented and
pupils respond to it. Allowing children to express their opinions and
understanding of issues at a range of scales (local, national and
international) are core components of developing important geographical
enquiry and skills. Similar approaches are suggested for historical
studies, which also focus on citizenship and diversity objectives.
The materials, links and activities are intended to develop the spirit and skills of enquiry by
• developing an understanding that historical archives provide a route into debate about contemporary issues
• demonstrating how specific archival materials
can prompt questions which are not only about historical, social and
economic activities,
• developing comparisons with present-day attitudes and approaches to citizenship and responsibility |